عنوان سخنرانی: Ultra-reliable and low latency communication in the next generation wireless technologies
سخنران: جناب آقای دکتر سعیدرضا خسروی راد
Ultra-reliable and low latency communication (URLLC) is increasingly an important aspect of wireless communications in the ۵G era in the context of mission critical communications, specifically for large-scale networks of sensors and actuators in automated and/or remote-control applications. The key performance indicators for such use case are in sharp contrast to the current broadband communications, since latency and reliability are paramount but lower data rates can be tolerated. Specifically, in the context of motion control in industrial automation, ultra-high reliability of nine nines is expected from the communication system in ultra-low latency of one millisecond or less. Such requirements introduce new challenges for the research community that require novel solutions to be addressed. With the emergence of Industrial Revolution ۴,۰, mobility is a vital feature for factory floor robotic sensors and actuators to increase reach and usability of robots. In future industrial plants, large number of mobile and static robotic nodes and sensors need to communicate with each other as well as with enterprise control units. This introduces new and rapidly changing communication scenarios, requiring “real-time” low-latency and “cable-like” reliability, with various challenging aspects for the current wireless technologies. Limited radio and hardware resources can only accommodate such demanding wireless services with efficiently orchestrated collaboration between the communicating nodes. This talk addresses these challenges and proposes a way-forward framework for the design of an ultra-reliable and low-latency radio communication that will serve E۲E wireless factory automation (FA) solutions.
مخابرات URLLC يكي از تاثيرگذارترين زمينه هاي نوظهور در پيشبرد تحقيق و توسعه تكنولوژي هاي نسل پنجم و بعد از آن بوده و هست. اين سخنراني به معرفي اين شاخه از تحقيقات مخابرات سيستم مي پردازد، چالش هاي موجود در مسير تحقق اين تكنولوژي را برمي شمرد، و در آخر، گزينه هاي موجود و گزينه هاي محتمل در آينده براي ايجاد و تحقق اين تكنولوژي را بررسي خواهد كرد.
زمان برگزاری: 4 اسفند 1398
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